Arkansas Spring Snow Goose Hunts
The Spring Snow Goose Conservation Season starts on February 1st. During this time, millions of snow geese funnel through Arkansas as they make their migration north after spending the winter months in the southern parts of the country. As these birds make their way up from Texas, the Louisiana delta, and most of Arkansas, they fly directly over our prime hunting areas--stopping to feed on rice and winter wheat fields. All of our Arkansas hunts take place on pristine private land and truly offer some of the best snow goose hunting you can imagine.
We are hunting lodge is located in Pocahontas, AR, which is in the heart of the snow goose migration.
Typical Day in the Field
Your guide will meet you in the morning at a predetermined location, collect money, then head to the field. Once in the field, after your guide does a few spread adjustments and turns on electronic callers, your hunt will start. The average day in the field is 10-30 birds. 50-100+ bird-days happen as well but are less common. Of course, it is hunting, so 0-10 bird days are sometimes a possibility if the conditions are unfavorable. Weather is a HUGE factor in the success of a snow goose hunt.
Arkansas Hunt Info
DATES: Feb. 1st-7th & Feb. 10th-23rd 2025
- $275 per hunter per day or $750 for 3 day hunt
LICENSE: Arkansas snow goose license is free, you just need a hunting license from another state. Then you go online or call Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and get a free registration number you write on your license.
Why are Snow Goose Hunting Licenses free in Arkansas?
Due to the huge, ever-increasing overpopulation of snow geese in the country, the state of Arkansas and biologists have resorted to increasing hunting opportunity as a way to manage snow goose numbers. The snow goose overpopulation causes a lot of damage in local crop fields, as well as in their home nesting grounds in the Arctic Tundra. There is not enough food to support their current numbers, and this not only affects the snow geese, but the rest of this fragile ecosystem as well. Because if this, the Snow Goose Conservation Season was created with very loose regulations compared to other seasons. The season begins on February 1st and runs through late April and there are no bans on plugs or electric calls, plus, there are no bag or possession limits. As long as you have a valid hunting license from any other state, as well as a Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamp, there are no additional license fees for snow goose hunting in Arkansas.
Lodging Options
Our primary lodge is in Pocahontas, Arkansas and we offer additional lodging options for larger groups.
Snow Country Outfitters Arkansas
1503 Hamil Street Pocahontas, AR 72455
There are some good accommodation options in Pocahontas, Arkansas if you are looking for a place to stay before or after your hunt.
Give us a call for any other lodging questions and we will do our best to help.